Unit 2.2 File Permissions

Presenter Notes


Unit objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

  • Describe how permissions are used
  • List the permissions required to perform several common commands
  • Change permissions using symbolic and octal notation
  • Describe how default permissions are calculated

Presenter Notes


  • 理解权限是怎么用的
  • 用一些指令来查看,列出权限
  • 修改权限
  • 描述缺省权限

File with users and groups


  • Users and groups
  • File's owner and group
  • View the file permissions

Users and groups

Presenter Notes

Linux系统是一个多用户多任务的分时操作系统,任何一个要使用系统资源的用户,都必须首先向系统管理员申请一个账号,然后以这个账号的身份进入系统。 用户的账号一方面可以帮助系统管理员对使用系统的用户进行跟踪,并控制他们对系统资源的访问;另一方面也可以帮助用户组织文件,并为用户提供安全性保护。 每个用户账号都拥有一个惟一的用户名和各自的口令。 用户在登录时键入正确的用户名和口令后,就能够进入系统和自己的主目录。 实现用户账号的管理,要完成的工作主要有如下几个方面: 用户账号的添加、删除与修改。 用户口令的管理。 用户组的管理。

The owner/group of a file/dir

  • The default owner of a file/dir is the creator.
  • The default group of a file/dir is the primary group of the creator.

  • Who can change the owner/group of a file?

    • The root ONLY.

      # chown newowner file[s]
      # chgrp newgroup file[s]
      # chown newowner:newgroup file[s]
      # chown newowner.newgroup file[s]

Presenter Notes

  • 文件缺省owner是当前文件的创造人
  • 文件的所在的缺省组是当前创建文件者所在的组

  • 只有root才能改文件的所属


File permissions are assigned to:

  1. The owner of a file
  2. The members of the group the file is assigned to
  3. All other users

Permissions can only be changed by the owner and root!

Presenter Notes

Linux系统中的每个文件和目录都有访问许可权限,用他来确定谁能通过何种方式对文件和目录进行访问和操作。 文件或目录的访问权限分为只读,只写和可执行三种。 权限只可以被root用户与所有者改变

Viewing Permissions

To show the permissions of a file, use the ls command with the -l option.

Presenter Notes

使用ls -l命令,可以查看文件的权限 使用 ls -l 命令查看文件的权限。在每一个文件的第一段为10位字母,第一个字母是文件的属性,"-"代表普通文件,"d"代表目录文件,"l"代表符号连接,"b""c"代表设备。后面9位为文件的权限,分为三段,分别代表“所有者(u)”、“同组人(g)”、“其它人(o)”的 读(r)、写(w)、执行(x)的权限。


  • Users and groups
    • Every user has one primary group, and may have extra groups (group set)
  • View file's owner and group (ls)
  • The creator is his file's owner by default. The default group for the file is the creator's primary group.
  • Change the file's owner and group (chown)
  • View the file permissions (ls)



  • Permissions Notation
  • Required permissions

Permissions Notation

Regular files:

r file is readable
w file is writeable
x file is executable (if in an executable format)


r contents of directory can be listed (ls)
w contents can be modified (add/delete files)
x change into directory is possible (cd)

Presenter Notes

普通文件有r w x三种权限

目录文件也有r w x三种权限




Required permissions

| Command     | Source directory | Source file | Target directory |
| ----------- | ---------------- | ----------- | ---------------- |
| cd          | x                | N/A         | N/A              |
| ls          | x,r              | N/A         | N/A              |
| mkdir,rmdir | x,w              | N/A         | N/A              |
| cat, less   | x                | r           | N/A              |
| cp          | x                | r           | x,w              |
| cp -r       | x,r              | r           | x,w              |
| mv          | x,w              | None        | x,w              |
| vi          | x,r              | r,w         | N/A              |
| rm          | x,w              | None        | N/A              |


If you have all permissions on a directory, but have no permissions on the file in this directory:

- Can you read the file?
- Can you delete the file?
- Can you modify the file's content?

Presenter Notes



  • Permissions Notation
    • Read, Write, Execute for files and directories
  • Required permissions
    • Minimal permissions required for common commands to run

Change permissions


  • How to change the file permission?
  • Who can change the file permission?
  • What is the default permission for files and directories?

Change the file/directory permission

- chmod <MODE> <FILE[S]> 
- Mode can be symbolic or octal.
- symbolic:   
    u(owner) , g(group), o(other), a(all);   
    + / - / = ;  
    r(read), w(write), x(execute)

    eg. chmod u+w,g-x,o= file1
        chmod 755 file1

Presenter Notes


命令:chmod (change mode)


格式:chmod [options] 符号权限或八进制权限files……

例如:使用符号来改变文件的权限。例如:chmod go-x doc 为删除doc文件的同组人和其它人的执行权。chmod u-x,go+w doc为删除doc文件所有者的执行权并添加同组人和其它人的写权。



  • New files should not be created with 666! To avoid this problem, a permission mask exists.

Regular files:

| --------------------- | --------- | ---- |
| Default permissions   | rw-rw-rw  | 666  |
| umask (-)             | ----w--w- | 022  |
| Resulting permissions | rw-r--r-- | 644  |
| --------------------- | --------- | ---- |


| --------------------- | --------- | ---- |
| Default permissions   | rwxrwxrwx | 777  |
| umask (-)             | ----w--w- | 022  |
| Resulting permissions | rwxr-xr-x | 755  |
| --------------------- | --------- | ---- |
  • Syntax: umask 022

Presenter Notes



Who can change permissions?

  • The owner of the file or directory
  • The root user

Presenter Notes



  • Use chown to change the file permission
  • Root and owner can change the file permission
  • Umask is used to set the default permission for files and directories

Unit review

  • Permissions determine whether a user is able to do something with a file or directory.
  • Permissions can be set for the user, the group, and all others.
  • Three base permissions exist: read, write, and execute.
  • To view the permissions, use ls –l.
  • Permissions can be changed only by the owner of the file or directory and by root.
  • The umask determines the default permissions on a file.

Presenter Notes

  • 权限决定了一个用户是否可以操作目录或者文件
  • 用户,组,以及其它,都可以被设置权限
  • 看文件的权限,用指令ls -l
  • 权限是可以被改的,文件所有者或者root
  • umask命令的使用

Unit summary

Having completed this unit, you should be able to:

  • Describe how permissions are used
  • List the permissions required to perform several common commands
  • Change permissions using symbolic and octal notation
  • Describe how default permissions are calculated


  • Unit 5: File and Directory Permissions, Linux Basics and Installation , ERC 7.2, IBM

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