Unit 7.3
Shell scripting

Presenter Notes


Unit objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

  • Invoke shell scripts in three separate ways and explain the difference
  • Implement interactive shell scripts
  • Use conditional execution and loops
  • Pass positional parameters to shell scripts and use them within scripts
  • Perform simple arithmetic
  • Use functions in shell

What is a shell script?

A shell script is a collection of commands stored in a text file.

ls -l

To make sure the shell script always runs in the shell it was intended for (sh, bash, csh), use the following on the first line of your script:


The script will now always runs in bash even if the user’s default shell is something else.

Invoking shell scripts

(1) The script does not have to be marked executable, but it must be readable. bash invokes a script in a child shell.

$ cat script1
$ bash script1

(2) Use the chmod command to make the script executable. Then run the script as if it were a command. The script is run in a child shell.

$ chmod 755 ./script1
$ ./script1

Invoking shell scripts

(3) Use the . (dot) or source command to execute the script in your current shell environment. Scripts executed with the dot command can change your current environment.

$ . script1
$ source script1

  • If the script is for environment variables setting, you cannot invoke it in the child shell, for changes made to variables in a child process do not affect the variables in its parent.

Typical shell script contents

  • User interfacing
  • Conditional execution
  • Repeated execution
  • Handling of shell script arguments
  • Arithmetic
  • Functions

User interaction: The read command

The read command reads one line from STDIN and assigns the values read to a variable.

$ cat delfile
#Usage delfile
echo Please enter the file name:
read name
if [ -f $name ]
rm $name
echo $name is not an ordinary file -
echo so it is not removed

The test command (1 of 2)

The test command allows you to test for a given condition.


test expression  or [ expression ] or [[ expression ]]

$ test -f myfile.txt
$ echo $?

Expressions to test file status:

-f <file>        file is an ordinary file
-d <file>        file is a directory
-r <file>        file is readable
-w <file>        file is writable
-x <file>        file is executable
-s <file>        file has non-zero length

The test command (2 of 2)

String tests

-n <string>        string is not empty
-z <string>        string is empty
<string> == <string>    strings are equal
<string> != <string>    strings are not equal

Arithmetic tests

<value> -eq <value>    equals
<value> -ne <value>    not equal
<value> -lt <value>    less than
<value> -le <value>    less than or equal
<value> -gt <value>    greater than
<value> -ge <value>    greater than or equal

The && and || commands

The return code from a command or group of commands can be used to determine whether to start the next command.

&& and || (two vertical bars) can be used to conditionally execute a single command.

command1 && command2
if (command1 successful) then do (command2)
command1 || command2
if (command1 not successful) then do (command2)

$ [ -f testfile ] && rm testfile
$ [ -f lockfile ] || touch lockfile
$ [ "$TERM" = "xterm" ] && echo This is no tty
$ cat doesnotexist 2>/dev/null || echo \
> "Oh boy, this file does not exist."

The if command

The structure of the basic if statement is:

if command-sequence returns true (0)
carry out this set of actions
carry out this set of actions

$ cat myscript
if [ "$MY_VALUE" -eq 10 ]
echo MY_VALUE contains the value 10
echo MY_VALUE is not 10

The case command

case $var in  
pattern1)  command1 ;;  
pattern2)  command2 ;;  
       *)  command3 ;;

echo "Please input \"yes\" or \"no\""
read var
case "$var" in
[yY][eE][sS] ) echo "Your input is YES" ;;
[nN][oO] ) echo "Your input is no" ;;
* ) echo "Input Error!" ;;
exit 0

The while command

The syntax of the while command:

while command-sequence-returns-true (0)

$ cat myloop
while true 
echo "It is now $(date)"
echo "There are `ps aux | wc -l` processes"
sleep 600

Note that the command true always returns true (0)!

The for command

The structure of the for loop is:

for identifier in list
commands to be executed on $identifier

$ cat my_forloop
for file in myfile*
cp $file /other_dir/$file

Shell script arguments

Parameters can be passed to shell scripts as arguments on the command line. These arguments are stored in special shell variables.

$1, $2, $3 ... refers to each of the arguments
$@ is "$1" "$2" "$3"
$* is "$1 $2 $3"
$# is the number of parameters

$ cat ascript
echo First parameter: $1
echo Second parameter: $2
echo Number of parameters: $#
$ ascript ant bee
First parameter: ant
Second parameter: bee
Number of parameters: 2

Shifting shell script arguments

If you expect a large number of shell arguments (for example, file names), use the shift command in a while loop to handle them all.

Variables:        $1    $2    $3    $4    $5    $# (count)
At start:        arg1    arg2    arg3    arg4    arg5    5
After first loop:    arg2    arg3    arg4    arg5    unset    4
After second loop:    arg3    arg4    arg5    unset    unset    3

$ cat make_backup
while [ $# -gt 0 ]
cp $1 $1.bak

Arithmetic using let and $(())

The bash shell can perform simple arithmetic on integers using the built-in let command or the $(( expr )) notation.

Operators: *, /, +, -, %

$ let x=2+3
$ echo $x
$ echo $(( 2+3 ))
$ let x=3*(3+5)
$ echo $x
$ let x=3*3+5
echo $x
$ x=$(( 3 * ( 3 + 5 ) ))

Arithmetic using expr

If your shell does not support $(()) or let, use the expr command for integer arithmetic. Not a shell built-in, therefore about 10 times slower (it rarely matters) Same operators as let:

$ echo `expr 3 + 5`

Beware of the shell metacharacters *, ( and )!

$ expr 3 * ( 3 + 5 )
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(´
$ expr 3 \* \( 3 + 5 \)


function func_name() {

function show() {
    echo "hello , $1"

show world

Command search order

Unit review

  • Positional parameters are used to pass to scripts the values from the invoker; they are also in $* or $@.
  • To test for a particular condition, the test command can be used. This feature is frequently coupled with the if statement to control the flow of a program and allow for conditional execution within scripts.
  • The read command can be used to implement interactive scripts.
  • The while and for commands are used to create loops in a script.
  • Simple integer arithmetic can be performed by the expr or let commands or the $(( )) notation.

Unit summary

Having completed this unit, you should be able to:

  • Invoke shell scripts in three separate ways and explain the difference
  • Implement interactive shell scripts
  • Use conditional execution and loops
  • Pass positional parameters to shell scripts and use them within scripts
  • Perform simple arithmetic
  • Use the functions


  • Unit 11: Shell scripting, Linux Basics and Installation , ERC 7.2, IBM

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